Understanding PrimeVue and OverlayPanel

PrimeVue and OverlayPanel

Modern web applications often require you to use great libraries like PrimeVue to help boost your front-end development process. PrimeVue and OverlayPanel is a feature-rich Vue.js component library that simplifies your overall development tasks with an arsenal of ready-to-use beautiful UI components. By leveraging PrimeVue, you not only benefit from our massive collection of components but also enjoy an overall faster and easier development experience. One of these components is OverlayPanel – a generic tool that you can use to display information such as a menu, form or any kind of custom content.

However, the OverlayPanel has an extra visual element that may not be suitable for some designs – namely the little arrow that points to its trigger element. If you want to get rid of it in favor of a cleaner interface, this article will show you how to remove it. PrimeVue has a component called the OverlayPanel that overlays content on another element or component.

What is PrimeVue?

PrimeVue is a UI framework popular among Vue.js developers and provides more than 80 components, including input fields, data tables, menus and more. With such a rich arsenal, developers can quickly and efficiently build smart, engaging user interfaces, regardless of what kind of application you’re looking to build. Be it a small web app or a large-scale enterprise solution, PrimeVue is an ideal tool to build your UI with.

What is an OverlayPanel?

The OverlayPanel is among PrimeVue’s most common components. It’s a small floating panel that is displayed when a specific event happens – in this case, whenever a click is received. Being a powerful component, it can be used to display extra information that provides context to users, such as contextual menus and tooltips.

By default, the PrimeVue and OverlayPanel components include a small arrow that points back towards the element that triggered it, to visually indicate where the panel comes from. This arrow is helpful in some designs, but others don’t have room for it and developers will be looking for ways to get rid of it.

Why Remove the Arrow in the OverlayPanel?

So getting rid of the arrow from PrimeVue and OverlayPanel is mainly for design reasons and or functional constraints.

Design Preferences

If you’re a developer or designer who creates OverlayPanels, you will commonly see this arrow as a superfluous, visually distracting element. If your application’s UI prides itself in its minimalistic and clean look, the OverlayPanel’s arrow might be inappropriate and might clash with the style of the rest of your app. If your goal is to make the OverlayPanel fit into a modern and sleek design, you will likely wish to get rid of this arrow.

Functional Constraints

Sometimes, making the arrow go away is a judgment call more than anything: removing the arrow doesn’t just make something look more pleasant visually, it also just feels overly assertive, a bit awkward or confusing as an interaction. At other times, the arrow doesn’t render well on some screens or on some devices’ form factors, and doesn’t actually participate in the layout; it literally just clutters up the place.

How to Remove the Arrow from PrimeVue and OverlayPanel

Okay, so here is where the arrow is and here is how to get rid of it! 🙂 Step 1: Add Custom CSS. Step 2: Copy the code below. Step 3: Paste the code into your Custom CSS box. Step 4: Save your post or page. Step 5: Done!

PrimeVue and OverlayPanel
Source: PrimeVue and OverlayPanel

Step 1: Inspecting the Arrow Element

Before you can un-bow a string, you must find its place in the stave. So, open your browser’s developer tools (usually available by right-clicking and selecting Inspect), and use them to identify the CSS class that applies to the arrow. In all likelihood, the arrow is a pseudo-element (like ::before or ::after) within the OverlayPanel element.

Step 2: Writing Custom CSS

Okay, so you’ve found the arrow. Time to write some custom CSS. Since the arrow is often just a pseudo-element, you’ll have to address it directly before slapping it with a display: none.

Step 3: Overriding Default Styling

By default, PrimeVue components come with some built-in styles. In order to apply your own custom styles, you need to make your custom styles more specific than the default PrimeVue styles, for example by using a more specific selector with nesting or the !important attribute.

Example CSS Code

Here’s an example of how you can hide the arrow in PrimeVue and OverlayPanel


.p-overlaypanel:before, .p-overlaypanel:after {

display: none !important;


This snippet targets both the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements (which are commonly used to render arrows) and sets their display to none.

Step 4: Testing Your Changes

Once you’ve incorporated your custom CSS, check every page on every browser and device to ensure that the arrow has been removed and that the OverlayPanel still works. You should also look for any other unintended effects, such as layout shifts or alignment issues.

Common Issues and Solutions

While this arrow removal is a straightforward little procedure, the odd thing is that we have to be careful about this because it sometimes goes very badly.

Arrow Not Disappearing

Should the arrow still be there, look at your custom CSS selectors for proper specificity. An important rule should get things working unless your arrow inherits styling from even higher-level parent elements. Look at the tree in the inspector and you’ll find them.

Alignment Problems After Arrow Removal

When you remove the arrow, you might notice that the OverlayPanel is a little off target due to how the arrow took up some layout space while it was there. You will likely end up moving the positioning of the panel with custom CSS to tweak it into place.

Best Practices for Customizing PrimeVue and OverlayPanel Components

You can achieve visual changes in PrimeVue components through higher-order components, but let’s remember some core principles here.

Avoiding Style Conflicts

When customizing PrimeVue components such as OverlayPanel, pay extra attention to writing CSS. Since you are adding properties to base elements, make sure you don’t affect other parts of your application by having conflicting selectors.

Maintaining Responsiveness

As always, make sure to test your changes on different screen sizes to make sure that your edits don’t break your application’s responsive behavior. PrimeVue and OverlayPanel components are often responsive out of the box, so your custom CSS should also respect that behavior.


Hiding the arrow in the OverlayPanel inPrimeVue and OverlayPanel like this can improve the UI of your app, whether for aesthetics or otherwise. Just go through the steps above and it should be a relatively simple task. Remember to QA thoroughly after your changes, and adhere to the various best practices. Hope you found this helpful!


Can I remove the arrow without using CSS?

No, you need to use custom CSS that targets the appropriate pseudo-elements to remove the arrow.

Will removing the arrow affect the PrimeVue and OverlayPanel’s functionality?

No. The arrow isn’t removed from the OverlayPanel – it’s just that removing it only affects the look of the OverlayPanel.

What should I do if the arrow reappears after an update?

Make sure that the recent PrimeVue update that includes the OverlayPanel hasn’t changed the CSS classes or structure of the OverlayPanel and then update your custom CSS accordingly.


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