How to Override CSS Style in PrimeVue: Expert’s Solution In 2024

CSS Style in PrimeVue

In web development, using frameworks such as PrimeVue is a great way of getting started. But what if you want to customize the look of your components? The default styles might not be what you’re looking for, but thankfully there are some great ways to override them and get your app looking exactly how you want. In this article, we’ll take a look at Override CSS Style in PrimeVue.

Introduction to PrimeVue

PrimeVue is the premier Vue.js UI component library for building awesome apps fast. With its rich set of customizable components, it’s a developer’s dream. Shocking blue text on all caps yellow background. However, when it comes to the default styles, all those options may not fit your brand guidelines or design goals.

Understanding CSS Style in PrimeVue

Before we dive into overriding styles, let’s understand how CSS works within PrimeVue.

Default Styles

By default, PrimeVue styles the components using CSS it applies itself, and that’s fine if you just want something that looks polished and works. But it also gets in the way if you want to do something different.

Importance of Customization

Styling cannot be avoided in branding and user experience. A consistent design can make your application easier to use and more unique.

Preparing Your Environment

To get started, you’ll need to set up your environment properly.

Setting Up CSS Style in PrimeVue

Before we begin, make sure you have a Vue.js application running. Create one using Vue CLI: 1.

Vue create my-project

Next, install PrimeVue and its dependencies:

npm install primevue primeicons

Installing Dependencies

Don’t forget to install the necessary styles:

npm install primevue/resources/themes/saga-blue/theme.css

npm install primevue/resources/primevue.min.css

npm install primeicons/primeicons.css

CSS Style in PrimeVue
CSS Style in PrimeVue

CSS Methodologies

Now that you have PrimeVue set up, let’s discuss different methodologies for overriding styles.

Using Scoped Styles

If you’re using components and want your styles to apply only to certain components, you can use scoped styles in your Vue single-file components (SFCs) by adding the scoped attribute to your <style> tag:


<Button label=”Click Me” class=”my-custom-button” />



<style scoped>

.my-custom-button {

background-color: #4caf50; /* Custom green color */



Global Styles

For more general changes, you might need global styles. Put these in your main CSS file (though be careful because they can have an effect on more than one component).

Techniques to Override CSS Style in PrimeVue

Let’s dive into specific techniques for overriding CSS.

Using Custom Class Names

One easy way to override styles is with custom class names. You can add a custom class to any PrimeVue component:


<Button label=”Click Me” class=”my-button” />

Applying Custom Classes

Define your styles in your CSS file:

.my-button {

background-color: #ff5722; /* Custom orange color */

color: white; /* White text */


Utilizing ! important

In some cases, you might need to use! important to ensure your styles take precedence:

.my-button {

background-color: #ff5722 !important;


Risks of Using! important

However, !important will solve specificity problems only if you overuse it. As much as possible, you should limit its use to the times you need your styles to override everything else.

Overriding with Inline Styles

You can also override styles with inline styles, though this is less common as it can create more noise in your templates:

<Button label=”Click Me” :style=”{ backgroundColor: ‘#ff5722’, color: ‘white’ }” />

Leveraging CSS Variables

CSS variables offer a powerful way to customize your styles dynamically.

Defining Variables

You can define CSS variables in your global styles:

: root {

–primary-color: #ff5722; /* Custom primary color */


Utilizing Variables in Components

Then, use these variables in your component styles:

.my-button {

background-color: var(–primary-color);


Examples of CSS Overrides

Let’s look at some practical examples.

Button Component

Imagine you want to customize a PrimeVue button:

<Button label=”Custom Button” class=”custom-button” />

.custom-button {

background-color: #007bff; /* Custom blue */

border-radius: 8px; /* Rounded corners */

color: #fff; /* White text */


DataTable Component

You might also want to override styles in a DataTable:

<DataTable :value=”data” class=”custom-datatable”>

<!– Columns –>



.custom-datatable .p-datatable {

border: 1px solid #ccc; /* Custom border */


Best Practices for Overrides CSS Style in PrimeVue

When overriding CSS Style in PrimeVue, following best practices can save you time and headaches.

Consistency in Design

Keep a consistent form by using a defined color palette and typography across your app.

Performance Considerations

Pay attention not only to the semantics of your CSS but also to its performance implications. A large CSS file will affect the performance of your application, so you should use tools like CSS minifiers and optimizers.


With some knowledge of the default PrimeVue styles, the right approach and best practices, you can customize PrimeVue to create an application that’s branded to meet your needs without any custom CSS. By exercising restraint, you can walk the line of being custom versus maintainable – making your styles and forms work for users, not against them.


Q1: Can I use CSS preprocessors like SASS with PrimeVue?

Yep, you bet! PrimeVue takes SASS or LESS, so you can use variables and nesting.

Q2: How can I ensure my CSS overrides do not affect other components?

Because using scoped styles is the best way to limit the scope of your styles!

Q3: What if I want to override PrimeVue themes?

PrimeVue themes can be customized by editing the theme CSS files, or by creating a new theme on top of the existing ones.

Q4: Is there a way to reset PrimeVue styles globally?

You can start with a reset CSS file that sets the initial styles for all components, and apply your own styles on top from there.

Q5: How do I test my CSS overrides effectively?

Use browser developer tools to inspect elements and live-change styles. Do this so you can preview things before committing them to your code.


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